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首页 > Products > Led Driver > Non isolated LED Driver >  Non Isolation No PFC >Cxle8397fs cxle8397gs is a high-precision step-down LED constant current driver chip The chip works in the critical continuous mode of inductor current is suitable for the non isolated
Cxle8397fs cxle8397gs is a high-precision step-down LED constant current driver chip The chip works in the critical continuous mode of inductor current is suitable for the non isolated

Cxle8397fs cxle8397gs chip is internally integrated with 500V power switch, which adopts patented demagnetization detection technology and high-voltage power supply technology, without the detection and power supply of auxiliary winding, making its peripheral devices simpler and saving the cost and volume of the system.
Cxle8397fs cxle8397gs chip has high-precision current sampling circuit, and adopts patented constant current control technology to achieve high-precision LED constant current output and excellent line voltage regulation rate. The chip works in the inductive current critical mode, the output current does not change with the inductance and the LED working voltage, achieving excellent load regulation

Cxle8397fs cxle8397gs is a high-precision step-down LED constant current driver chip The chip works in the critical continuous mode of inductor current is suitable for the non isolated


Product introduction


   产品概述 返回TOPQxP嘉泰姆

CXLE8397FS CXLE8397GS是一款高精度降压型的 LED 恒流驱动芯 片。芯片工作在电感电流临界连续模式,适用于 85Vac~265Vac 全范围输入电压的非隔离降压型 LED 恒流电源。 

CXLE8397FS CXLE8397GS芯片内部集成 500V 功率开关,采用专利 的退磁检测技术和高压供电技术,无需辅助绕组的 检测和供电,使其外围器件更简单,节约了系统的 成本和体积。 

CXLE8397FS CXLE8397GS芯片带有高精度的电流采样电路,同时 采用了专利的恒流控制技术,实现高精度的 LED 恒 流输出和优异的线电压调整率。芯片工作在电感电 流临界模式,输出电流不随电感量和 LED 工作电压 的变化而变化,实现优异的负载调整率。 

CXLE8397FS CXLE8397GS具有多重保护功能,包括 LED 短路保护, VCC 欠压保护,芯片温度过热调节功能等。 

CXLE8397FS CXLE8397GS采用 DIP7 封装。

   产品特点 返回TOPQxP嘉泰姆

 采用 DIP7 封装 QxP嘉泰姆

 内部集成 500V 功率管 QxP嘉泰姆

 集成高压供电功能 QxP嘉泰姆

 电感电流临界连续模式 QxP嘉泰姆

 无需辅助绕组检测和供电 QxP嘉泰姆

 宽电压输入电压 QxP嘉泰姆

 ±5% LED 输出电流精度 QxP嘉泰姆

 LED 短路保护 QxP嘉泰姆

 芯片供电欠压保护 QxP嘉泰姆

 过热调节功能QxP嘉泰姆

   应用范围 返回TOPQxP嘉泰姆

 LED 吸顶灯 QxP嘉泰姆

 LED 日光灯 QxP嘉泰姆

 LED 球泡灯 QxP嘉泰姆

 其它 LED 照明QxP嘉泰姆

   技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP QxP嘉泰姆



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Part PF Internal MOS Internal MOS Open circuit Iout@Vo=72V(mA) Iout@Vo=36V(mA) Package
number   Rdson(Ω) BVDSS(V) protection (Vin=176V-265V) (Vin=176V-265V)
CXLE8393A 0.5 30 500 - <75 - CPC4
CXLE8393B 0.5 18 500 - <105 - CPC4
CXLE8393CC 0.5 12 500 - <155 - CPC4
CXLE8394A 0.5 30 500 - <80 - TO92
CXLE8394B 0.5 18 500 - <110 - TO92
CXLE8394C 0.5 12 500 - <160 - TO92
CXLE8395A 0.5 30 500 - <70 - SOT23-3
CXLE8395B 0.5 18 500 - <100 - SOT23-3
CXLE8395C 0.5 12 500 - <150 - SOT23-3
CXLE8396A 0.5 30 500 - <80 - SOP8
CXLE8396B 0.5 18 500 - <120 - SOP8
CXLE8396C 0.5 12 500 - <195 - SOP8
CXLE8396D 0.5 8.3 500 - <240 - SOP8
CXLE8396E 0.5 6.2 500 - <280 - SOP8
CXLE8396F 0.5 4.5 500 - <350 - SOP8
CXLE8397FS 0.5 4.5 500 - <370 - DIP7
CXLE8397GS 0.5 3.3 500 - <420 - DIP7
CXLE8398C 0.5 12 500 Internal <195 - SOP8
CXLE8398D 0.5 8.3 500 Internal <240 - SOP8
CXLE8398E 0.5 6.2 500 Internal <280 - SOP8
CXLE8398F 0.5 4.5 500 Internal <350 - SOP8
CXLE8399D 0.5 8.3 500 Internal <260 - DIP8
CXLE8399E 0.5 6.2 500 Internal <330 - DIP8
CXLE8399F 0.5 4.5 500 Internal <370 - DIP8
CXLE8399G 0.5 3.3 500 Internal <420 - DIP8
CXLE83100A 0.5 30 500 - <80 - SOT23-3
CXLE83101A 0.5 30 500 - <80 - SOP8
CXLE83102B 0.5 18 650 Internal <40 - SOP8
CXLE83103A 0.5 14 500 External <160 <220 SOP8
CXLE83103AJ 0.5 14 500 External <160 <220 SOP8
CXLE83103K 0.5 14 500 - <160 <220 SOP8
CXLE83104A 0.5 10 500 External <220 <220 SOP8
CXLE83104AJ 0.5 10 500 External <220 <220 SOP8
CXLE83104K 0.5 10 500 - <220 <220 SOP8
CXLE83105D 0.5 5 500 External <320 <360 DIP8
CXLE83105A 0.5 5 500 External <280 <350 SOP8
CXLE83106A 0.5 5 500 External <280 <350 SOP8
CXLE83106K 0.5 5 500 - <280 <350 SOP8
CXLE83106D 0.5 5 500 External <320 <360 DIP8
CXLE83107A 0.5 3 500 External <350 <480 SOP8
CXLE83107D 0.5 3 500 External <360 <490 DIP8
CXLE83108D 0.5 2 500 External <480 <640 DIP7
CXLE83109C 0.5 10 500 External <230 <330 DIP7
CXLE83109E 0.5 5 500 External <320 <360 DIP7