The CXUS7745/A is an incorporated 100mΩ P-channel MOSFET power-distribution switch for self-powered and bus-powered Universal Serial Bus (USB) applications. When the output load exceeds the current-limit threshold or a short is present, the device limits the output current to safe level by switching into a constant-current limit mode with fold back, pulling the over-current ( OC) logic output low. When continuous heavy overloads or short-circuits increase the power dissipation in the switch, causing the junction temperature to rise, a thermal protection circuit shutdown the switch to prevent damage. Internal Under Voltage Lock-Out (UVLO) circuitry ensures that the switch remains off until valid input voltage is present. OC is open-drain output which is asserted when over-current or over-temperature event occurs. A 8ms fault-blanking feature enables the circuit to ignore momentary faults, such as those caused when hot-swapping a capacitive load, preventing false alarms to the host system. The CXUS7745/A eliminates any reversed current flow across the switch when it is powered off
[ CXUS7745 ]"
产品概述 返回TOP
CXUS7745/A是一种单信道的电源开关芯片,内部集成了一个100mΩ 的P型MOSFET功率管,该芯片主要应用于USB电源系统。当输出负载过重或者短路时,芯片会进入限流保护模式,此时会拉低限流指示信号OC。如负载持续超载或短路,芯片内部温度会迅速上升,进入过温保护模式,芯片会切断功率管以防止芯片损毁。 此外,CXUS7745/A内置了电源欠压保护功能,即当电源电压过低时,芯片也会切断功率管。直至电源电压恢复至正常范围后,才恢复正常工作。OC是开漏输出的限流标识引脚,用于标识芯片是否处于过流或者过温保护模式。芯片内置了8ms的延时功能以防止OC误动作,向主机提供错误的指示信号,例如输出接大电容负载时会出现短时限流。此外,CXUS7745A内置了反向电流保护功能防止关断时出现反向电流。CXUS7745/A封装采用SOT23-5 或者 8-pin MSOP及8-pin MSOP(EP)封装,工作温度范围是(-40℃to +85℃)。The CXUS7745/A is an incorporated 100mΩ P-channel MOSFET power-distribution switch for self-powered and bus-powered Universal Serial Bus (USB) applications. When the output load exceeds the current-limit threshold or a short is present, the device limits the output current to safe level by switching into a constant-current limit mode with fold back, pulling the over-current ( OC) logic output low. When continuous heavy overloads or short-circuits increase the power dissipation in the switch, causing the junction temperature to rise, a thermal protection circuit shutdown the switch to prevent damage. Internal Under Voltage Lock-Out (UVLO) circuitry ensures that the switch remains off until valid input voltage is present. OC is open-drain output which is asserted when over-current or over-temperature event occurs. A 8ms fault-blanking feature enables the circuit to ignore momentary faults, such as those caused when hot-swapping a capacitive load, preventing false alarms to the host system. The CXUS7745/A eliminates any reversed current flow across the switch when it is powered off. The CXUS7745/A are available in SOT23-5, 8-pin MSOP and 8-pin MSOP(EP) packages, operates over the extended (-40°C to +85°C) temperature range.
产品特点 返回TOP
• 100mΩ 导通电阻
• 工作电压: 2.7V to 5.5V
• 欠压保护功能
• 11μA 静态电流
• 1μA 关断电流
• CXUS7745系列低电平使能
• 关断后无反向电流
• 带延时的开漏端过流指示信号(OC)
• 输出关断泄放支路
• SOT23-5、MSOP-8、MSOP-8 (EP)封装
• RoHS 适用和100% 无铅无鲁
• UL认证号:E334299
Operating Range : 2.7V to 5.5V
Under Voltage Lockout
11μA Quiescent Current
1μA Shutdown Current
Logic Level Enable Pin, Available with
Active-Low or Active-High Version
No Reverse Current when Power Off
Fault Blanking Open-Drain Over-Current Flag
Output (OC)
Output Shutdown Pull-low Resistor
Available in SOT23-5,MSOP-8 and MSOP-8
(EP) Packages
RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead(Pb)-Free
UL Listed-File No. E334299
应用范围 返回TOP
•USB 埠和自供电集线器
•USB 总线供电集线器
•常规high side开关应用
USB Ports and Self-Powered Hubs
USB Bus-Powered Hubs
Hot Plug-In Power Supplies
General Purpose High Side Switch Applications
技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP
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功率开关 > USB开关 |
Part Number |
remark |
Channel |
Vin (V) |
Enable |
Fault Flag |
IQ(A) |
Package |
Dual Power-Distribution Switch with Fault-Blanking |
2 |
2.7~5.5 |
100mΩ |
1A |
Active Low |
Yes |
13μA |
SOP-8 |
Dual Power-Distribution Switch with Fault-Blanking |
2 |
2.7~5.5 |
95mΩ |
1A |
Active Low |
Yes |
13μA |
SOP-8, SOP-8(EP) |
USB Power-Distribution Switch with Fault Blanking |
1 |
2.7 ~ 5.5 |
100mΩ |
1.5A/2A /2.5A |
Active Low/Active High |
Yes |
11μA |
SOT23-5,MSOP-8,MSOP-8(EP) |
USB Power-Distribution Switch with Fault Blanking |
1 |
2.7~5.5 |
80mΩ |
1.5A |
Active High |
Yes |
11μA |
SOT23-5 |